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Calls for a Retaliation after the SolarWinds Hack

Armchair admirals on CBS News are calling for a retaliatory attack against Russia after the SolarWinds hack. "We're not willing to attack. And that's what we're...

The Mystery of a Hemisphere

To make this long (and embarrassing) story short: a friend's kid had a homework assignment in geometry to calculate the surface area of a...

Raspbian ‘partitions on different devices’ Error

After downloading a Raspbian image and writing it to an SD card, you get the following error when trying to boot the Pi: "Could...

Tmux Bootstrap Configuration

Just a list of commands to quickly configure tmux with some of the best (i.e. my favorite) plugins and options. Feel free to disagree...

Find Large Files

Every time a filesystem is running out of space and I need to find something to delete, I end up googling the syntax for...

Clone Raspberry Pi SD to Larger Card

This is more of a note to myself: every time I need to clone the RPi card, I end up googling things for an...

Fixing Sudo

A decade-old massive and easy-to-exploit security hole (CVE-2021-3156) has been found in sudo allowing for full root access by any unprivileged system user. This...

A Wrapper Script for unrar

Just a straightforward wrapper script for the unrar command that allows extracting specified filetypes from multipart archives while utilizing all available CPU cores. Seriously, who...

Show Logged In Users During a Time Window

Let's say you want to see who was logged in on the server during last weekend. This includes users who, say, logged in on...